Peanut’s story is not so unusual

Everyone’s upset about Peanut the Squirrel. They should be.

The truth is that sometimes it’s necessary for Animal Control authorities to intervene and separate a dangerous species from a human owner. But Peanut presented no actual threat to public health.

Sadly, this kind of thing isn’t unusual. The Quaker Parrot finds itself on many “dangerous species” lists and can be euthanized on the spot in some states (including Pennsylvania). People still keep Quakers as pets in PA (but never mention this fact on social media for obvious reasons).

Let’s hope that Peanut’s death forces us to rethink the procedures used when a prohibited animal is seized. There was clearly no need for immediate euthanasia in this case.

Not about the parrots (but still good…)

What was life on Martha’s Vineyard (“Land of the Lotus Eaters”) really like in the 1950s? Mary Ellen Baldwin (my mom), reveals the uncomfortable truth, in her novella, “The Summer Place,” which you can watch right here:

Family names were changed in my mother’s novella.

But using this key, one can discern who exactly she was describing.
Susan (main character and narrator) = Mary Ellen Baldwin (1933-2008)
Bill (Susan’s beau) = Carl R. Baldwin (1931-2004)
Betty (Bill’s mom) = Evelyn Preston Baldwin (1898-1962)
Alec (Bill’s stepfather) = Roger N. Baldwin (1884-1981)
Wally (friend of family) = Fred Rodell (1907-1980)
Lucretia (Bill’s sister) = Helen Baldwin (1939-1981)
Jay (Bill’s brother) = Roger R. Baldwin (1929-2020)

Apologies for being AWOL

I apologize for being unable to do any parrot safaris in recent months. Without getting into too many details, I was overtaken by a mysterious malady late in 2019 that greatly impaired my mobility. It was a frightening experience but I am glad to say that I am getting better and recovering my ability to move around, and hope to restart the safaris again soon.

For those seeking to view the parrots independently, I would highly recommend making your way to Green-Wood Cemetery, in Brooklyn. Just take the R train to the 25th Street stop (in Brooklyn) and walk one block. The parrots have built enormous nests atop the beautiful Gothic entrance way, and are highly active in the mornings and late afternoons. The Cemetery’s management regards the parrots with great affection and does its utmost to protect them. To my knowledge, this is the only site in New York State (and possibly the entire U.S.A.) in which wild Quaker Parrots actually enjoy some protection!

For The Birds: The Story of Canada’s Largest Animal Rescue Endeavor – a film by Ben Life

What happens when a well-intended effort to provide refuge for hundreds of abandoned, abused, and displaced birds falls apart due to the refuge owner’s death?

Ben Life’s film tells the story of a how a heart-breaking situation was ultimately averted by the heroic efforts of a team of volunteers participating in what would become known as Canada’s largest animal rescue effort.

If you’re feeling pessimistic these days about the human race, watch Ben’s film.

Brooklyn Parrots eBook is out

I recently had the opportunity to give a talk for Phoenix Landing — an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the well-being of parrots that’s based in Asheville, North Carolina. During the Q&A, a gentleman in the audience asked me where he could find my book, and I then realized that it’s almost impossible to find it, unless one goes to and types “brooklyn parrots” into the search bar.  So here’s a direct link to the one and only Brooklyn Parrots FAQ, authored by yours truly. It’s electronic (I may do a hard copy version in the future but this will have to do for now), priced at a rock-bottom $4.99, and available now. If you’d like to support my free safaris in Brooklyn, buying the book will help (just click on the image).